A Day on the Ranch


5 year old and 4 month old

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Grace and Izzy

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Thanksgiving in Ordway

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Cole and Erika's Wedding 11/22

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Heart Center of the Rockies 1/2 Marathon

Over the Halloween weekend, all of the girls ran in a kids fun run for the Heart Center of the Rockies 1/2 Marathon. Maddison and Grace ran 1/2 mile, and Taylor and friend Chelsea ran 1 mile.
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Halloween Weekend

Sariah and the kids came up for the Halloween weekend for trick or treating with Grace and Isabella.
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Grace and Izzy

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Let's Find the Biggest Pumpkin

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Bugling Elk

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Cousin Time

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A visit with grandma & grandpa

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Uninvited Guests

These six baby snakes found their way into the well pit. Since everybody is afraid of snakes, I guess they will stay there until something breaks and needs fixed.
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Boulder Backroads Marathon

After months of training, Sariah decided to run in a half marathon (13.1 miles) with me in Boulder. Her sister Amy and her have been running between there houses (10 miles) and finishing in about 2 hours. We finished the half marathon in 2hrs. 9 min. She did very well.
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Izzy, Grace, and Family

These are the most recent photo's of Izzy at 5 weeks. Grace is auditioning for the Hanna Montana Show and posing in a field of pumpkins at Jen's Master Gardener location. Aunt Patty finished her volunteer time in Wyoming and stopped for the weekend on her way back to Denver. She made the quilt that the three of them are displaying.


Welcome Isabella 8/14/08

Isabella Mae Ramsey made it into the world Thursday August 14th at Poudre Valley Hospital in Fort Collins. Jen went in for a C-section, and Isabella was born at 8:03am, She weighs 6 pounds even and is 19 inches long, just gorgeous! Jen and Baby are doing well. Grace was able to be in the nursery and gave Isabella her first bath



Taylor, Maddison, Grace, and Ashlyn spent the day at waterworld.


A few flowers from around the house.


A visit with Great Grandpa Eddie before a two week stay with Taylor, Madison, and Ashlynn for swimming lessons.


Tim & Carla's 4th of July Wedding

We went to Seattle over the 4th weekend to visit Tim & Carla, which happened to be their wedding day. We had a wonderful trip except for the extreme turbulance coming back for the last 45 minutes of the flight! Grace wants to know "how the sky can be so bumpy when there is no road?"


New Roommate

How would you like to find this in your house. Grace thinks that Barley brought it in while she was watching TV but after digging it out from behind and underneath it, a skin was discovered. A little bit of research about snakes found that it can take up to two weeks for a snake to moult its skin.